Sailing makes a great team. A great team makes a great company.
Sailing requires sufficient communication, good planning skills, out-of-the-box thinking, and attention to detail. Businesses often have to change tack to get[...]
Planning a sailing vacation is always very exciting, but could be also a very challenging task. In order to make it easier for you, the team of has created a comprehensive guide to the basics of yacht charter equipment. Most yacht[...]
“Sailing fundamentals can get you on the water,
but it is the smart advice that makes the difference.”
D. Marinkovic; Sail Canada
📝 How to acquire sailing skills and get the necessary yachting license for[...]
Was kommt Ihnen in den Sinn, wenn Sie an einen Segelurlaub denken - eine sanfte Brise, kristallklares türkisfarbenes Wasser und die warmen Farben des Sonnenuntergangs, während Sie ein Glas Wein und ein gutes Buch genießen... Aber der[...]
Nur Sie, die Crew, die Yacht und das offene Meer - aber welches Meer soll man erkunden? Das azurblaue Wasser der Karibik, die atemberaubenden weißen Strände Griechenlands, die unberührte Natur der Kanarischen Inseln oder die 8.300[...]