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Salona 41 | FOXY FOX
Salona 41 | GHOST RIDER
Salona 41 | GREY GOOSE
Leopard 44 | SHANGRI-LA
Octopus sailing is a verified professional charter company offering high-quality luxury yachts in Turkey. The company has 1 charter base where customers can rent boats - Adaköy Marina. Whether you are looking for a catamaran, a sailing yachts or an unforgettable experience, Octopus sailing offers everything you need for your vacation. The company has an extensive fleet of 12 boats, with brands including AD Boats and Leopard Catamarans.
Octopus sailing offers both Bareboat and Crewed charters. Depending on their preferences, customers can rent a boat alone or with a professional crew. The company's address is Marmaris Adakoy Marina, Marmaris, Turkey. Octopus sailing is known for its high-quality services and professional attitude to its customers. The company is ready to answer any questions and provide customized solutions to meet the needs of each customer.
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