Bavaria Cruiser 32 | Linnea
Dufour 360 Grand Large | Estelle
Bavaria 38 Cruiser | White Lady
Bavaria 44 | Eveline
Bavaria Cruiser 45 | Alma
Bavaria Cruiser 34 | So What
Bavaria Cruiser 34 | EIGHTEEN
Bavaria Cruiser 34 | TWENTYTWO
Dehler 34 | Seventeen
Hanse 388 | FOURTEEN
Hanse 388 | FIFTEEN
Bavaria 37 Cruiser | Sixteen
Bavaria C38 | Eleven
Bavaria C38 | Twelve
Bavaria C38 | TWENTYONE
Hanse 418 | Nine
Bavaria Cruiser 41 | Ten
Hanse 418 | TWENTY
Saltsjö-Duvnäs is located in Stockholm - Saltsjö-Duvnäs, Sweden. It is an ideal point to start a journey and rent a boat or yacht for an Baltic adventure. At the port of Saltsjö-Duvnäs, you can rent 37 boats from 5 charter companies.
Usually, our members choose either a bareboat charter or a yacht with a hired skipper. The most of the boats in Saltsjö-Duvnäs are rented with or without a captain. The larger motor yachts and gulets must be chartered with a captain only.
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