Planning a yacht charter holiday can be an exciting and rewarding experience. The check-in and check-out procedure is an important aspect of chartering a yacht because it helps ensure that the yacht is properly maintained and ready for use and that both the yacht owner and the charterer are protected throughout the charter period. Here are some reasons why the check-in and check-out procedure is so important!

Ensuring the yacht is in good condition: During the check-in process, the charterer and the yacht owner or representative inspect the yacht together to ensure that it is in good condition and any pre-existing damages are recorded. This helps to protect both parties and ensures that the yacht is properly maintained.

Setting expectations: During the check-in process, the charterer and the yacht owner or representative will also discuss the use of the yacht and its equipment, as well as any local regulations or restrictions that need to be followed. This helps to set expectations for the charter period and ensures that the charterer understands how to properly operate and care for the yacht.

Avoiding disputes: By documenting the condition of the yacht during the check-in process and reviewing it again during the check-out process, both the yacht owner and the charterer can avoid disputes over damages or lost equipment that may have occurred during the charter period.

Safety: The check-in and check-out process also helps to ensure that the yacht is properly equipped with safety gear and that the charterer is aware of how to use it. This is important for the safety of everyone on board and ensures that the yacht is prepared for emergencies.


Overall, the check-in and check-out procedure is an important aspect of chartering a yacht that helps to protect both the yacht owner and the charterer and ensures that the yacht is in good condition and properly equipped for the charter period. Here are some of the most important things to know:

Arrival time: Make sure you know the designated arrival time and plan to arrive at the charter base in advance to avoid any delays. Saturday morning/noon is when you are expected to arrive at the charter base. If you have an arranged appointment with the charter company, it is very important to be punctual, as the agencies have a very busy schedule.

Required documents: We advise you to prepare your sailing license, VHF license, passports or ID cards of everybody from the crew, a crew list, a boarding voucher, booking confirmation, a pre-contract, and proof of insurance if you have one. 

Security deposit: You will need to pay a security deposit, which will be refunded at the end of the charter if there is no damage to the yacht.

Inventory check: A staff member will conduct an inventory check of the yacht with you, making sure that all equipment is in working order.

Briefing: You will receive a safety briefing and an orientation of the yacht, including how to operate the equipment and safety procedures.

Check-out procedure:

Return time: You will need to return the yacht to the charter base at the designated time, as specified in the contract.

Inventory check: A staff member will conduct an inventory check of the yacht, making sure that all equipment is present and in working order.

Damage assessment: A staff member will inspect the yacht for any damage, and deduct the repair cost from the security deposit if necessary.

Fuel and water levels: You will need to return the yacht with a full fuel and water tank, as specified in the contract.

Final payment: The final payment will be made, including any additional charges or fees incurred during the charter.

It is important to note that the check-in and check-out procedures can vary depending on the charter company and location, so it is best to familiarize yourself with the specific procedures before embarking on your charter.